This afternoon the children have enjoyed their sale in aid of Marlow Refugee Action as part of Refugee Week. The children have been very creative when making their produce to sell and the Rights Respecting School Ambassadors have enjoyed manning the stalls - it is pleasing to see how much they want to help others.
Today we have also had a team from SoftCat working in the school grounds - tidying, painting and gardening. We really appreciate their support and are looking forward to them coming back again to help in the future.
As you will be aware, the children are taking part in the Archbishop of York Young Leaders programme this half-term. At Marlow Infants we have a tradition of supporting children as leaders across the school. One particular example of this is the Playground Leaders. This is something that our Year 2 children participate in, and they play a marvellous role in helping others at lunchtime and leading playground games. As we approach the end of the school year, we will start preparing our Year 1 children to become playground leaders when they are in Year 2. Next week, as part of their teamwork focus, Year 1 children will be applying for the role of playground leader if they are interested. This involves, amongst others, participating in team and leadership games, reading a job description and writing an application letter.
Finally, today was Mrs Daniel's last day and after nearly 20 years at school, it has been an emotional time saying our goodbyes. I am sure, however, that she will be back to visit in the future.
Mrs Reynolds