The children are setting well into their routines now, and they are really enjoying their new topics and learning across the curriculum.
This week we held the first of our curriculum evenings - this week it was for Reception parents. The session was well attended, and it was great to be able to share the exciting things their children have ahead of them this term. Thank you to all who attended but if you couldn't make it, the presentation is saved on the Bee and Ant home pages. We have curriculum evenings planned for Year 1 and 2, these are in the school calendar (see below)
Our first full governing body meeting of the year took place this week and unfortunately, Emily Viarnaud, who has served the school for 4 years, came to the end of her term of office. I would like to thank Emily for all that she has done to support the school over the last 4 years, her input has been invaluable. This means that we have a vacancy for parent governor, and you will have received an email yesterday about this. If you think you this might be something that you would like to get involved but would like to know more before committing, please talk to one of our existing governors or me. To find out who our governors are, please click here
The children have been busy practising their harvest songs, and we are looking forward to our Harvest festival at the beginning of October. There certainly is an autumnal feel in the air and I know that we are missing the sunshine that we had this summer, but the Harvest service will be a celebration of thankfulness for the huge variety of food we have.
Mrs Reynolds