Hearing the children practising their harvest songs this week has been a real pleasure and I know that they are excited to share them with their parents and carers in our school Harvest Festival at the beginning of October. We have also been practising a song to sing at All Saints on Sunday as part of 'Sandygate Sunday'. It would be wonderful to see lots of our school families there to take part in the All Saints Harvest service and celebrations afterwards.
Today was the first day the Reception children came in to join the rest of the school for Celebration worship. They sat beautifully and sang their hearts out. It was amazing to have all the children together in one place and made for a very special occasion.
Mrs Reynolds
Sandygate Star
- Ant - Macy for showing focus and perseverance in her learning
- Bee - Ziggy for a successful and happy week at school
- Butterfly - Alfie for setting a good example and helping others
- Ladybird - Poppy for trying really hard with reasoning in maths
- Dragonfly - Herbie for working on his writing stamina
- Grasshopper -
Value Award - Kindness
- Ant - Hudson for looking after his friends if they are upset
- Bee - Tamsyn for always being kind and thoughtful to others
- Butterfly - Isabelle for being thoughtful about other's feelings
- Ladybird - Jaxon for being such a kind and thoughtful friend
- Dragonfly - Freddie for helping others get ready for their photos
- Grasshopper -
Over the next few weeks we will highlight each of the awards that we give in school so that parents have an understanding of what each one is given for. Most of these awards are distributed in front of the whole school during our Celebration Worship on a Friday morning.
Sandygate Star
Each week class teachers choose one child in their class for an individual achievement in school that week. This can be in their learning, their behaviour towards others or for conquering something they find difficult. The children are given a certificate in our Friday morning Celebration Worship which they take home
As part of their welly walk this week Reception were making faces from natural materials
PE, Library & Home Learning
At the Meet the Teacher sessions for Year 1 and 2, teachers explained the class schedules and routines for this year. If you were unable to attend, the presentations used are available on the Class Home pages. As a reminder, here is a summary of when each year group has PE, Library and Outdoor Learning each week. This information can also be found on the Class Homepages along with any special days already planned.
- On PE Days children should come to school in PE kit
- On Library day they should bring their library book & bag in so that they can change it
- On Thursday they should bring in their red Phonics folder (Year 1 and Year R) with their Phonics reading book and a new one will be sent home on a Friday
- and every day they should bring their reading book & yellow reading record to school.
Year 2
- PE Days - Tuesday & Friday
- Library Day - Thursday
Year 1
- PE Days - Wednesday & Thursday
- Library Day - Monday
- PE Day - Monday
- Library - Friday
Home Learning
Home Learning is set on Google Classroom for all year groups. Children in Year 1 and Reception should have received their Google Classroom Log-ins last week in their book bags with a letter explaining our policy of Home Learning.
The work set on Google Classroom is not compulsory and is just part of a range of activities that aim to support you in reinforcing school learning at home in a way that suits your family. The essential aspect of home learning is that children read every day and practise keywords where appropriate.
This half term all children will be doing the same Home Learning on our school values and there will also be work set by class teachers each week based on the learning children are doing in school.
There are links for Google Classroom, Purple Mash, Real PE and other useful sites on your child's Class Homepage should you wish to access any of them.
Dates for Next Week and beyond
Next Week's 'Learning at a Glance'
Sandygate Sunday 25th September @10.59
Once a term we are invited to take part in the 10.59 service at All Saints Church. Sometimes some of our pupils read prayers they have written, and we lead the congregation in some of the songs we sing in school.
We only have a handful of children who have signed up to say they are coming and really need as many as possible to help sing one of their favourite Harvest songs 'Plates piled high' which they have been practising in school this week.
We ask that children wear their red sweatshirts/cardigans to identify them as Sandygate pupils. They should sit with their family during the service and the school staff in church will invite them up at the appropriate times.
All Saints Church also invite you all to stay on after the service for their Community Harvest Celebration - more details shown below.
Year 2 Roman Day
Monday 26th September
On our Roman Day, we would love to see the children come dressed as a Roman, whether that’s a Roman soldier, citizen, actor, baker or hairdresser. If your child does dress up they will stay in costume all day – so please make sure the costume is warm and appropriate. If your child decides to not dress up, that is absolutely fine, school uniform will be expected.
Year 2 will be learning all about Pompeii and Mount Vesuvius this term and so this will be a great way to immerse the children into life in 79 AD.
Children will be taking part in all sorts of fun Roman activities during the day including baking bread. If your child has any allergies or intolerances that we are not aware of please email the school office to let us know.
Roman Costume
Your Roman dress up costume does not need to be shop bought. There are lots of ideas online for simple home made costumes such as -
Year 1 & 2 Curriculum Information Evenings
Year 1 Wednesday 28th September
Year 2 Wednesday 5th October
As mentioned at ' Meet the teacher' we will be holding information evenings for parents of children in Years 1 & 2 over the next two weeks. These meetings will be in the school hall at 7pm
At each session we will be outlining the Curriculum and explaining how the children will be learning this year and giving you some ideas on ways to support your child's learning at home.
In order that we can set up resources we do need to know how many people will be coming, so can we ask that you register for this meeting by the start of school on Monday? Please register for each session below
Year 1 on Wednesday 28th September https://forms.gle/xwqvZqPC8zBGe5qK7
Year 2 on Wednesday 5th October https://forms.gle/RkBUC7hiXJP8uEFx7
Harvest Festival & One Can Collection
Thursday 6th October
We are very sorry but there are now no spaces left for the Harvest Festival services on 6th October. If you have not booked a ticket through Eventbrite then we will not be able to admit you due to safety limits on numbers of people in our school hall.
We will be supporting One Can Trust with our Harvest Festival this year. We are all aware of the increasing numbers of people needing to access foodbanks at this time and we would like to support the work of this local foodbank. We would ask that every child bring an item to add to our collection. One Can have a list of urgent needs which is given below but they will happily accept all donations of food and toiletries and will use everything that is donated so long as it’s not alcohol, out of date*, home-made food or food in excessively damaged packaging.
These items can be brought in anytime during the week beginning 3rd October and left in the boxes at the front of school.
Urgent Needs -
- Cooking Sauces
- UHT Milk
- Tinned ham/corned beef
- Tinned meat meals
- Tinned vegetables
- Toiletries
- Cooking oil
In addition, we would like to request that any adults attending the Harvest Festival bring an item with them as their 'entry fee'.
If there are any parents who would be available after school on Thursday 6th or anytime on Friday 7th to deliver the collected items to One Can Trust in High Wycombe please let the school office know.
Parent Consultations 17th & 19th October
We will be holding parent consultations on Monday 17th October between 3.30 and 6.30pm and on Wednesday 19th October between 4 and 7pm. Appointments are for 10 minutes and will be available to book from this afternoon. You should receive an email with a link to the booking, otherwise you should log in to the school website using your parent log in and you will see the link to Parents Evening bookings at the top of your screen (this may be different if you are looking on your mobile phone)
This is an opportunity to meet with your child's class teacher to discuss their progress at the end of this first half term. As appointments are only 10 minutes please arrange to meet with your child's teacher at another date if you wish to discuss anything at greater length.
Year 1 Superhero Day Thursday 20th October
As you will be aware, Year 1 are planning a 'Superhero' day on Thursday 20th October to round off the work they have been doing this half term on heroes.
We would like to invite children in Year 1 to come to school dressed as a real life hero, this can be anyone that they admire and who is a hero to them: a doctor, nurse or policeman, a world leader or an inspirational figure from history. The costume can be as simple or elaborate as you would like but please remember that they will be wearing it all day and still need to be able to continue with normal school activities.
If your child does not wish to dress up then they should come to school in uniform as usual.
We are also looking for any real life heroes in our school community who would be able to come in and speak to the children about what they do. If you, or anyone you know, would be able to come in we would love to hear from you whether you are a medical professional, a firefighter, a policeman or serving in the armed forces.
Reception Nursery Rhyme Day Friday 21st October
To celebrate their first half term's work on the topic of Mother Goose, Reception are planning a Nursery Rhyme Day on 21st October.
We would like to invite the children in Reception to come to school dressed as a nursery rhyme character. The costume does not need to be elaborate or shop bought, a simple home made costume would be perfect and some ideas are given below.
- Baker (Pat-a-cake, Muffin Man, Rub a dub dub) - a white apron & a wooden spoon, a homemade paper hat
- Animals - a paper animal mask and clothes in the appropriate colour and you can be a variety of animals from any nursery rhyme : a mouse from Hickory, Dickory, Dock, a cat, dog or cow from Hey Diddle Diddle or a sheep from Baa Baa Black Sheep
- King, Queen or Princess - a dress or smart clothes and a paper crown for a King, Queen or Princess from Old King Cole, The Queen of Hearts or Pussy cat, pussy cat
If your child does not wish to dress up then they should come to school in uniform as usual.
General News and Reminders
Parent Pay
All parents of new pupils to our school will have received last week instructions on how to activate your Parent Pay account. These were sent in book bags along with log in details for Google Classroom and Purple Mash.
We would encourage you all to activate your account as this is used to collect payments and consents for a number of things eg school trips, PFA events and replacement water bottles.
Florist needed
The PFA are looking for a florist who could help with running a wreath making workshop for parents before Christmas.
If you, or someone you know, would be able to help then please contact the PFA by email pfa@marlow-infant.bucks.sch.uk
Parent Governor Nominations
The deadline for Parent Governor nominations is 3.15pm Friday 30th September. If you are interested in the role but would like to know more before nominating yourself then please check the photo board inside the school entrance to see who our current governors are and then approach any of them and they will be happy to tell you more. Alternatively, Mrs Reynolds would be happy to discuss the role with her so just come and catch her at drop off or pick up.
Our governors really make a difference to our school and the children's learning so please do consider nominating yourself.
Accessories on Bookbags
Please can we ask that your child does not have any 'accessories' attached to their book bag. We have limited space for storing bags in class and the addition of key rings and toys to bookbags makes it more difficult to store them away tidily.
Job Vacancy
As you will be aware, Mrs Beckett will be leaving us in a few week's time and so we are recruiting to replace her in the school office. The deadline for applications was today but we will be extending this a little into next week. The details are on the school website here . The hours are 8.30am to 3.30pm Monday to Friday but, if you are interested, we are happy to discuss flexibility on these hours.
Back to school BBQ THIS SATURDAY 24th September 12-2pm
We are very excited about our first main event of the year; the Back to School BBQ being held this Saturday 24th September 12-2pm on the school field. Food and drink will be available to buy. As an ECO school we are looking at way to reduce our waste so encourage everyone to bring their own beer/wine cups with them if possible. It is a cash only event so remember to bring some money with you. We look forward to seeing you there! Let's hope the sun shines!
(Please note that for those attending, all children will be the responsibility of their parents/guardians and not the responsibility of the school/PFA)
PFA 100 Club
The PFA 100 club returns. For a one off cost of £10 you will be entered into a randomised draw alternate months between September and July inclusive. The lucky winners each month receive £30 first prize and £20 second prize and all entries are rolled over to future draws. You can buy as many entries as you wish. The first draw will take place on 30th September. Please buy your entries on Parentpay.
PFA Calendars
The PFA calendar photos will been taken this coming week on 28th September
For those families new to the school, each year the PFA offers families the chance to buy an A4 laminated calendar with their child's picture and the school term dates. They are great for pinning on the fridge and make excellent Christmas presents for grandparents. Proofs will be sent home in book bags in the next few weeks and the calendars will be available to buy through ParentPay.
Christmas Fayre SAVE THE DATE: Saturday 26th November 2-5pm
We are aware that Christmas still seems a long way off, but the PFA are busy making plans for our annual Christmas fayre. More details to follow but for now we wanted to let you know the date for your diaries! It will be held at the school on Saturday 26th November 2-5pm.