School Lunches - Census Day Thursday 6th October
You may be aware that, whilst school meals are free for families, we as a school have to pay for these from our school budget. We are allocated an amount each year to cover school meals, but this is not based on actual meals paid for but rather on a snap-shot of the meals taken on our census day, which this year is next Thursday 6th October.
The amount of money we are given for the year is calculated on the number of meals that are taken on that day and so, if fewer meals are taken on that day than on average for the rest of the year, the school will have a deficit for school meals.
We would encourage everyone to have a Dolce meal on Thursday to ensure that the number of meals is as high as possible.
Cancelling Lunches
As indicated above, we have to pay for all meals and this means all that are booked on a given day, even if they are not eaten.
It is, therefore, really important that if your child is absent from school, and they have a school lunch booked you please remember to cancel this. You can log in and cancel the lunch yourself from home up to 8.55 am but if you just mention that their lunch needs to be cancelled when you call in to report their absence we can do this in school up to 9.45 am
If meals are not cancelled, as well as the school being charged, the lunch will also be delivered to school by Dolce and not eaten adding to food waste.
Similarly, if your child decides to bring a packed lunch, and you have already ordered school lunch then this should be cancelled.