Welcome Back!

Get set for a great year
Welcome back! We hope that your children have settled into their new classes and are excited about the term ahead. The PFA would like to thank you once again for the phenomenal fundraising effort last year, we’re hoping that this coming year will also be a great success, and we have lots of fun activities planned; some old favourites and a few new ideas.
New parents & carers coffee morning
Thank you to all the wonderful volunteers who offered to help run the coffee morning after drop-off on Thursday morning to welcome our new parents and carers. It was a great opportunity to meet other reception parents, and we hope it was enjoyed by all who came. Also, thank you to the bakers who braved the heat and provided some delicious home-made treats.
PFA meeting
Our first PFA meeting of the year will be held at school this Wednesday at 8pm. Everyone is welcome so do come along and say hello!

Back to school BBQ
Start crossing your fingers for good weather now, the back-to-school barbecue will be held on the school field on Saturday September the 23rd. It’s a great way to meet other school families, and the kids have a great time playing on the field. This year, as long as the rains holds off, we’ll have bouncy castles to help wear the kids out! All the family are invited, just bring a blanket.

Coming up….
A few dates for your diary
Back to school BBQ: Saturday September 23rd 11:30 – 3:30
Bag2School: Wednesday October 11th by 9am
Brickies: Sunday November 5th 2 – 3:30
Christmas disco & Santa visit: Saturday November 25th