Christmas Cards
This week in school, the children have been designing their Christmas cards. Your child will be coming home with their design and paperwork. If you’d like to purchase cards and gifts with their design on them, you need to register online using the unique code (top left-hand corner).
Once you’ve placed your online orders, you need to return the form and artwork to school by Friday 13th October.
Should you have any questions, please feed through your Class Reps.
Santa Fun Run
Are you entering the Marlow Santa Fun Run this year? How do you fancy raising money for school? The PFA are a registered charity and can be nominated as your charity; if you raise £50 in sponsorship money, the Rotary club will match it. (Charity name. Marlow C of E Infant School Parents & Friends Association: Registered Charity No. 275299)
Bag2School – Wednesday 11th October
Bag2School will be collecting from Sandygate on Wednesday morning just after drop off. This is a fundraising scheme where we can make money from your unwanted clothing and household linen. The company export clothing and shoes all over the world to distribute to those in need. The more we can collect, the more money they will give us (the more it weighs, the more it pays!) They accept the following:

Sandygate Light Trail – Sunday 12th November 4pm
Join us on Sunday, November 12th at 4pm to celebrate the Festival of Lights! Every child in the school will be bringing home lantern templates to decorate over half-term. We ask that you then bring your lantern, and we will provide a battery-operated tea light (or feel free to bring torches/other lights). We will then take a lantern-lit musical walk starting and ending at school going along Trinity Avenue, Oak Tree Road and Seymour Park Road. Children will also be provided with a checklist of festive lights to spot on the way and welcomed back at school with a hot chocolate and marshmallows. Book a space for your child(ren) on Parent Pay; this is a free event, but you can make a voluntary donation if you are able.
Christmas Disco – Saturday 25th November
Just a quick update on what to expect this Christmas… We are very excited about holding a Christmas Disco this year for the children. To make sure all the children can attend, we will be running two discos, each with lots of music, fun and games and a visit from Santa. Santa’s elves will be sending each child home with a gift.
While the kids are dancing up a storm, why not drop by the festive eco-barn for a drink and mince pie.

Coming up…
- Bag2School: Wednesday 11th October by 9am
- End of term donuts: Friday 20th October
- Second hand uniform: 1st November & 1st December
- Brickies: Sunday 5th November 2pm – 3:30pm
- Light Trail: Sunday 12th November
- Christmas disco & Santa visit: Saturday 25th November
- Wreath Making Workshop: Thursday 30th November
- Christmas Bake Sale and Raffle: Friday 15th December