What an end to the half term! The week has been very busy with some fantastic activities in and outside the classroom. You will be able to see details and photos in the news stories below.
It was lovely to see parents and carers in school this week for the parent consultations. Both evenings seemed to go smoothly, and the teachers enjoyed sharing their updates about the children's progress. We hope that you all found your session useful.
The children have done so well this half-term, it seems such a long time since the beginning of the school year when they were all starting in their new classes. It feels like they have been there for a lot longer, which is an indication of how well they have settled in. They are, of course, exhausted now and in need of a break. I hope that you are able to have a good rest over the break and I look forward to seeing you all in just over a week's time.
Mrs Reynolds
Sandygate Star
- Ant – Martina for becoming more and more confident in sharing her lovely ideas
- Bee – Rex for finding different colours in nature
- Butterfly – Jamie for working hard on her story this week
- Ladybird – Ivy-Rose for working so hard this week
- Dragonfly – Theo for working hard at his reading and adding great expression
- Grasshopper – Max S for having excellent manners and being polite to visitors
Value Award – Kindness
- Ant – Connie for always including others in her games
- Bee – Luca for inviting others to join in with his games
- Butterfly – Hope for looking after her friend when they got hurt
- Ladybird – Pria for always including others in their play
- Dragonfly – Felix for always including others in his group in PE
- Grasshopper – Artie for demonstrating the value of kindness when he was helping his friend who was feeling unwell
- Reception – Pick up your copy of the special keepsake supplement today!
- Whole school – Bring in waterproof trousers first week back
- Still need 5 more volunteers to walk with Ladybird class to the Library!
- Whole school – Odd Socks Day 16th November
20 Oct 2023
Year 1 visit Rookery Court Friday 20th October 2023
20 Oct 2023
Nursery Rhyme Dress Up Day, Reception - Friday 20th October
20 Oct 2023
Outdoor learning: 9th - 20th October
20 Oct 2023
Year 2 bake flatbread - Wednesday 11th October
20 Oct 2023
Great Fire of London Day - Tuesday 17th October 2023
General news and reminders
'First Class' supplement – Reception
The special keepsake supplement will be in the Maidenhead Advertiser and the Bucks Free Press TODAY!
Reading for pleasure - Whole school
This week's recommendations come from Luke and Esme in Butterfly Class.
Esme chose Perfectly Norman by Tom Percival. She particularly likes the bit in the book where the children got their wings because that made Norman feel normal. Esme thinks another reason to read this book is because of the beautiful pictures in it.
Luke 's recommendation is Chocolate Cake by Michael Rosen. Luke thinks everyone should read this because it will make you laugh, especially where the character says gobble gulp, gobble gulp, gobble gulp.
Taste of Democracy Week - Whole school
31st October – 3rd November
During the week of 31st October and 3rd November we will be holding our own election in school where every child will vote for their favourite sweet treat. We will have candidates campaigning by representing each of the sweet treats and will have Marlow Town Council come along to help us. This forms part of the children's learning about the British Value of Democracy.
Waterproof trousers – Whole school
The first week back after half-term, children will need to come to school equipped (not wearing) some waterproof trousers which they will put on over their uniform just before their outdoor learning session.
The days children should bring in their waterproof trousers:
- Reception: Wednesday
- Year 1: Tuesday
- Year 2: Thursday
You can purchase a pair of black waterproof trousers, through ParentPay. The cost of each pair of trousers is £10.25.
We are asking parents to please specify if their child is over 120cm or under 120cm to help with sizing. If you need financial support with the purchase of the trousers, please email the school office.
As the trousers will all be identical, please mark your child's name inside. At the end of each outdoor learning day, the trousers will be returned home for washing (if needed). We will not be keeping them in school.
Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal 2023
We received the traditional poppy boxes yesterday, so after half-term the school council will be selling the poppies and other merchandise outside class at drop off each morning. The suggested donation for all items (other than the paper poppies) is £3 each. We also have a small supply of the pin poppy badges for adults.

Planting saplings at school – 17th November
We are looking for a handful of parent/carer volunteers to help plant some young saplings at school on Friday 17th November. If you are interested and are happy to help, please contact the school office.

Green Tree School Bronze Award
We are delighted to have been awarded the Green Tree School Bronze Award. The award recognises the fact that we encourage outdoor learning and inspire pupils to learn about trees, woods and wildlife.
To gain the award, we shared with the Woodland Trust the practical and fun activities that our children take part in to help the environment.
We will continue to work on developing this work and carrying out other environmental projects such as tree planting, reducing CO2 emissions and visiting woods.
As we collect points for each activity we complete, we will be able to progress through the different levels of the award.

Anti-Bullying Week – Whole School
Anti-Bullying Week 2023 will take place in school from Monday 13th – Friday 17th November, with the theme 'Make A Noise About Bullying'. Our Rights Respecting Ambassadors will be leading school worship on Tuesday 14th November to tell the rest of the school all about it. The children will be learning about friendships and who to speak to if they need help.
We will also be holding Odd Socks Day in school on Thursday 16th November. All you need to do is wear odd socks! It's a great way to celebrate what makes us all unique in Anti-Bullying Week!

Walk to School Week & Road Safety Week – Whole school
On 21st November, we will be having a ‘Safety Day’ as part of national road safety week. We will be running sessions focusing on road safety and share important safety messages with all the children in school throughout the day. Mrs Burns will also come in for the morning and do mini-first aid sessions for the children. And lastly, we will all take part in a Scootability session led by a visiting company, where we will learn how to ride our scooters safely.

Visiting Marlow Library – Year 1
Ladybird: Wednesday 8th November
Butterfly: Wednesday 15th November
After half-term, Year 1 will be visiting the library. Ladybird class will go on Wednesday 8th and Butterfly class will go on Wednesday 15th. We will leave school around 9:30am and return by 11:30am at the latest.
We now have enough parents to walk with Butterfly class but still need 5 more to walk with Ladybird class. If you are able to help, please contact the office.
Parent/carer regular helpers – Whole school
Thank you to those who have offered their help already and attended the training. We look forward to having you in school after half-term. All those who attended the training should have had an email confirming your time to come to school. If we are applying for DBS clearance for you, you will need to wait for this to come through before you can start your regular helping.
If you missed the training days and are interested in becoming a regular helper in school, we are running another training session on Friday 17th November, 9am-9.45am. If you are interested, please click here to read the Confidentiality Policy and here to read the Child Protection Policy. Then click here to complete the form.
Bonfire Celebration Lunch
Bonfire Celebration Lunch menus have been added via School Grid for the 2nd of November 2023.
Light Trail – Sunday 12th November

Every Sandygate child will be bringing home a card cut-out lantern today to decorate over half-term and bring along to the Light Trail on Sunday, 12th November; we can't wait to see all the bright and colourful creations! If you are intending on joining our parade, please book a space on ParentPay; it is free to attend, although we would welcome a small donation (up to £3.50) if you are able.
Siblings are also invited, although please could they bring their own light, torch or lantern. Please indicate how many children are attending when you book on ParentPay, so we know how much hot chocolate we need!
Christmas Wreath Making – Thursday 30th November

Tickets for our annual wreath making evening are now on ParentPay. We're hoping that you can all join us and craft a beautiful wreath under the guidance of our expert. The cost is £30 per person, which includes all the materials needed to make your beautiful wreath and a few glasses of mulled wine. We recommend you bring a pair of secateurs and gardening gloves if you have them.
Christmas Disco – Saturday 25th November
2pm – 3:30pm & 4pm – 5:30pm
Tickets for the earlier disco have now sold out, but there are still spaces available at the second time slot.
PFA Meeting – Thursday 2nd November (Virtual Meeting)
The next PFA meeting will be held at 8pm on the first Thursday after half-term. This will be a virtual meeting on TEAMS. Details of how to join will be sent out after half-term, but it would be great to see as many people there as possible, especially as it's remote, and you can join from the comfort of your own home!
Donut Day
Finally, a big thank you to Year 1 parent Clare Miller and her team of volunteers, who braved the rain to bring us end-of-term donuts. Many thanks for all your donations and we hope you all have a fun and relaxing half-term.
Coming up…
- Second hand uniform: 1st November & 1st December
- PFA Meeting: November 2nd 8pm (via TEAMS)
- Brickies: Sunday 5th November 2pm – 3:30pm
- Light Trail: Sunday 12th November
- Christmas disco & Santa visit: Saturday 25th November
- Wreath Making Workshop: Thursday 30th November
- Late Night Shopping: Thursday 7th December
- Christmas Bake Sale and Raffle: Friday 15th December
Lighthouse needs new Trustees!

Lighthouse Marlow, which runs a Christian holiday week in the summer, is a registered charity and is led by a small group of trustees. We are currently seeking new trustees to replace some of those who have led Lighthouse since the charity was formed five years ago. If you, or your children, have been involved in Lighthouse, you will know what an amazing week it is! If you would like to know more, please drop us an email marlow@lighthousecentral.org and we will be in touch.