Individual photos
If you ordered your child's individual school photo, it would have gone home with your child yesterday or today.
If you haven't received it yet, please contact Kate McNeil.
Volunteer training
- Dates: Tuesday 15th October & Thursday 17th October
Last chance to sign up for a volunteer training session!
If you are interested in becoming a regular helper, please click here to read the Confidentiality Policy and here to read the Child Protection Policy. Then click here to complete the form.
Outdoor learning kit
Please ensure children have waterproofs and wellies for their outdoor learning lesson each week. Wellies will be stored in school but sent home at the end of each term. If your child doesn't have any waterproof trousers, these can be ordered through ParentPay.
Please make sure that your child wears a coat, especially on their outdoor learning day. They will go outside, even if it is raining!
Football club on Wednesdays
There are still a number of children not wearing the correct kit for their football lunchtime club. The kit includes: football boots, shin guards, long socks, change of clothes (t-shirt, shorts/tracksuit bottoms) and a coat. If your child doesn't have the correct kit, unfortunately, they will not be able to play. This is in addition to the uniform that the children will be wearing to school - if it is your child's PE day, their uniform is PE kit and should not be counted as part of the football kit.
It is important that this kit is brought into school in a named bag and that all items are named.
School uniform
This is a reminder that the school uniform includes the wearing of black shoes. Children should not wear trainers unless it is their PE day and the trainers they wear should be black.
MDSA vacancy
We currently have a Midday Supervising Assistant (MDSA) vacancy. We are looking to appoint a responsible and enthusiastic individual who will ensure the safety, welfare and good conduct of the children during the lunchtime period. You will be part of a friendly and supportive team working with happy and friendly children.
The full job description and details of how to apply can be found on the school website here.