School term dates 2025/26
We would like to remind you that the term dates for the next academic year can be found on our school website here.

Head lice
There have been some cases of head lice in school over the past couple of weeks. Particularly in Butterfly class.
Please take this opportunity to check your children's hair over the weekend and treat them as soon as any head lice is found. Children do not need to be excluded from school if they have been treated for head lice. As a reminder, there are some tips on checking your child's hair in the leaflet here.
If you find live lice, don't worry – it's nothing to be embarrassed about. Go to the pharmacist who can advise which treatment best suits you and your family. Treatments should only be applied if a living, moving louse is found – never 'just in case'.

Tissues please
It's that time of year when we have lots of runny noses.
Please can we kindly ask that children bring in a box of tissues for their class. This means that there will always be tissues available for children in school without parents having to remember to put them in school bags each day. Thank you.

Lost property
Next week, we will put a table out with all the lost property items.
Unnamed jumpers that are not claimed by the end of the week will go to the PFA for their pre-loved uniform sale. Other items will go to charity.

Volunteers for Science Week
Do you have a spare hour or two between 10th - 14th March? We would love to hear from you!
So far, we only have 1 volunteer. Children love seeing their parents come to school. Science Week gives them a great opportunity to become enthused about science at school. You can talk to them about anything science related!

Safer Internet Day – Whole school
On Tuesday 11th February it is Safer Internet Day. This will give us the opportunity to have an even sharper focus on internet safety. As well as online safety lessons in class, the children will learn about being SMART (Safe, Meet, Accept, Reliable, Tell) in collective worship on Wednesday. You can find out more information about the meaning behind the acronym here.
The theme for Safer Internet Day this year is ‘Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online'. Children aged between 3 and 7 are at the beginning of their journey through life with technology. It’s through these formative years that they learn to understand what they can access online, how they can access it and how it can benefit them, so it's essential parents take an active interest in their children’s safety online. By starting conversations at a young age, children become accustomed to having them as they grow up. ChildNet has some useful resources for parents and carers. Their toolkit can be found here.
As you may be aware, we use a range of sources to teach children about online safety. National College provides us with some resources that we use in lessons, and we use the platform for training staff about online safety. They offer parents and carers who have children at Marlow Infants access to free training and updates about staying safe online. This takes the form of webinars and #WakeUpWednesday guides. There is a particularly useful webinar entitled Online Safety for parents & carers of children aged 3-7. You can access it via the web address:
You will need to set up an account first and then search for the webinar.
Each week the #WakeUpWednesday guides are shared on the National Online Safety Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn profiles. The guides provide expert advice on the latest platforms and online risks that parents and carers need to know about - a brand-new guide every Wednesday. We have included this week's guide for you below.

Litter pickers
Don't forget if you would like to borrow the school litter pickers, you can from the front office. All you need to do is ask at the office, sign them out and then return them for others to use.

World Book Day
Dressing up
As you may know, World Book Day is just around the corner. We are thrilled to celebrate this special day and encourage all children to join in the fun by dressing up as a character from a book they love.
Making the day meaningful
We kindly ask that children bring along a copy of the book featuring their chosen character, if possible. This will give them the chance to share the story behind their costume with their classmates.
Children will have the opportunity to:
- Share who they’ve dressed up as and explain why they chose that character
- Show their book to a friend and discuss their favourite parts
We hope this day sparks creativity, inspires a love of reading and brings stories to life in a fun and engaging way!
Thank you for your support, and we can’t wait to see the wonderful characters brought to life on World Book Day!

Class-led worship
Butterfly class had their class worship yesterday. They did a good job teaching us all about Service. Ladybird class is next, if you haven't signed up yet, you can do so by clicking the button below.
Each class worship will be from 9am-9.30am. We are limiting 2 tickets per family.
Please make sure you only book tickets for your child's class!
Ladybird: Perseverance – Thursday 13th February
Ant: Kindness – Thursday 13th March
Bee: Thankfulness – Thursday 20th March

MDSA vacancy
We currently have a Midday Supervising Assistant (MDSA) vacancy. We are looking to appoint a responsible and enthusiastic individual who will ensure the safety, welfare and good conduct of the children during the lunchtime period. You will be part of a friendly and supportive team working with happy and friendly children.
The full job description and details of how to apply can be found on the school website here.