'Keep Marlow Tidy' poster competition
Marlow Wombles and local stakeholders are delighted to be running a ‘Keep Marlow Tidy’ poster competition. Litter has become an increasing issue, both locally and nationally, which negatively impacts our parks, wildlife habitats and the use of our outdoor spaces.
Marlow Wombles can regularly be seen litter picking throughout the town with a team of dedicated volunteers. The task is neverending and they are looking to the local community to help tackle this issue by raising awareness in the form of a poster competition which is open to anyone of school age.
We thought it would be an excellent activity for our children to take part in and would give them the opportunity to show off their creative talents!
The posters need to be very clear by following the guidelines below:
• Large text that can be seen from a distance.
• Use bright colours. • Include ‘Keep Marlow Tidy’.
• Name, age and school on the back or front of the poster.
• Posters should be A4 white paper and portrait orientation.
Remember to check spelling and include an e-mail address or contact details as each entry will receive a certificate from the Marlow Wombles.
Please send your entries to office@marlow-tc.gov.uk or alternatively pop your poster in an envelope and drop it into the Marlow Town Council office via the letterbox.
Closing date: Wednesday, 31st March 2021. Winning posters will be chosen by a select panel by Monday, 5th April 2021. There will be a 1st Prize of £50 and second prize of £25 in the form of a voucher for each age category donated by Globe Business Park BID.
Age Categories:
Junior – primary school age
Senior – secondary school age
Posters will be displayed in and around Marlow.