This week the children have really settled into their topics and have begin exploring lots of different areas of learning. In Year 2 their Romans topic is well underway with the English learning focusing on the 'Escape from Pompeii' story, learning about the continents in Geography and exploring different types of Roman chariots in Design & Technology. Year 1 are learning about Superheroes and thinking about makes someone a superhero. Nursery Rhymes are being learned in Reception this half-term and the different areas of learning are linked to the theme of Nursery Rhymes - this week has been Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.
It was good to see that so many Key Stage 1 parents joined us for Meet the Teacher on Tuesday. The PowerPoint presentations that the teachers used are now loaded onto the class home pages which are now up to date and live for the current cohorts. On Monday next week, we will be holding our first curriculum evening for Reception parents. There are details about how to sign up below.
The highlight of the week for me has been seeing all the children in school worship this morning. For the first time in over 16months we had our Reception and Key Stage 1 children in the Hall together. It was celebration worship today and this was an additional thing to celebrate!
We will be visiting All Saints church a week on Sunday when Sandygate children will be singing a song for the rest of the congregation, please see the article below which gives more detail and provides a link to let us know that your child will be taking part.
Mrs Reynolds