There has been great excitement in school today in anticipation of the Summer Fayre which is due to take place tomorrow. The last time we were able to hold a Summer Fayre was 3 years ago now and when we talked about it in school worship today, the children were very excited. Members of the PFA have been busy collecting and organising the donations today, and we are looking forward to seeing lots of our school families coming back to school tomorrow to join in with the fun!
Reverend Dave has been very busy in school this week. He generously gave his time to support the RE learning of both Year 1 and 2 (You can see a photo of him below with some of the Year 1 children) and led school worship on Thursday as well. When he came in on Thursday, Reverend Dave brought All Saints Bunny with him and they, together with Sandygate Bunny, helped the children to retell the Story of Easter and Ascension.
Mrs Reynolds
Sandygate Star
- Ant - Rory for trying really hard to write sentences in play learning
- Bee - Elouise for super writing about 'The Fearaboon'
- Butterfly - Hope for an innovative bug hotel design and accurately reproducing this for the final make
- Ladybird - Molly for being so creative with her bug hotel
- Dragonfly - Eva for always offering to help her friends and teachers
- Grasshopper - Annabelle for showing respect and care for the people and environment around her
Value Award - Thankfulness
- Ant - Olivia for sharing with her friends
- Bee - Sarah for using kind words and a great big smile to show she is thankful
- Butterfly - Austin for making fantastic contributions on Rev Dave's visit
- Ladybird - Sacha for always using kind words when saying thank you
- Dragonfly - Jensen for remembering his manners around school
- Grasshopper - George for appreciating and responding well to support and guidance
20 May 2022
Making Bug Hotels in Year 1
13 May 2022
Year 2 visit to the Amersham Field Studies Centre at Mop End
Reverend Dave in school
Rev Dave Bull has been in to school twice this week visiting Year 2 on Monday and Year 1 on Thursday for their RE Lessons. Both year groups have been thinking about creation this term and what this means to Christians.
In Year 2 Revd Dave spoke to the children about how Christians interpret looking after and caring for Gods creation and how this links with the Eco Church award scheme which All Saints are undertaking. More detail about this scheme can be found on the All Saints website here
In Year 1 the RE topic has been to understand how Christians say thankyou to God for his creation. Revd Dave got the children to think about how Christians say thank you and to write some prayers to say thank you for things God has created for us.
Pupil Voice - Eco Warriors
The Eco Warriors would like to thank everyone for their efforts this week for Walk to School Week.
This week they have shared with their classes some information on why walking to school is good for us and good for the planet and they handed out WOW badges.
Please take a look at the information on the Marlow Schools Eco Day of Action further down this Newsletter.
Dates for Next Week and beyond
Next Week's 'Learning at a Glance'
Reception Walk to the Woods Wednesday 25th May
On Wednesday Reception will be walking to Hunts Wood for a Mini-Beast hunt. Children will need to wear long trousers (in case of nettles) and outdoor footwear and their normal school tops. They will also need a waterproof coat.
We would like to thank the parents who have offered to come with us to make this outing possible.
Platinum Jubilee Celebrations Friday 27th May
On Friday we will be celebrating the Platinum Jubilee in school. Children do not need to wear uniform on this day but instead are invited to wear red, white and blue and anything with a union jack on it.
We will be having a street party on the playground at lunchtime. The food for this is being supplied by Dolce and we do need everyone to place an order via School Grid for lunch on Friday please.
After school we invite parents and grandparents to join us on the school field for a family picnic to celebrate and mark the end of the half term. As you will see below, the PFA will be serving tea and coffee and selling cakes but you will need to bring a picnic rug and your picnic.
Marlow Schools Eco Day of Action Friday 10th June
Following the very successful Marlow Schools Eco Conference which was hosted at our school last half term, the Eco Committees of all the Marlow schools have been working hard to plan their first Marlow Schools Eco Day of Action. We hope that this day will have a big impact in Marlow and need your support to make this happen
On Friday 10th June across all the schools in Marlow the following actions will be happening:
- we invite everyone to wear something green and to walk, scoot or cycle to school. It would be great if parents and siblings could wear green as well and the hope is that there will be a sea of green walking, scooting and cycling through Marlow on the way to school
- during the day we will be taking part in litter picks across Marlow
- everyone within the schools will attempt to use no electricity. We will be planning lessons so we do not need to use interactive whiteboards or computers and leaving lights turned off. If parents would like to join us and try to not use any electricity at home that would be really great, please let us know how you got on.
Marlow Regatta School Choir Sunday 12th June
Thank you to all the Year 1's who have registered to come along and sing at the Marlow Town Regatta with the massed school choir. They have been rehearsing in school with Sheila Wilson, who will be leading the choir on the day.
On the Sunday we would ask that the children wear their red school jumper or cardigan and they should meet Mrs Reynolds in front of the stage in Higginson Park. We will confirm the timings in next week's Newsletter.
General News and Reminders
Archbishop of York Young Leaders Award
Next half term we are going to start working on the Young Leaders Award run by the Archbishop of York Youth Trust and Mrs Reynolds will be telling the children all about it in a special assembly on the first day of school.
The award is a leadership programme for children which aims to build their leadership skills, grow their confidence and teamwork and empower them to serve their community.
There are 4 units which focus on Kindness, Perseverance, Teamwork and Action and we will be working through these during the half term. During the next half term each year group will be planning an act of service for the local community as part of the Action section.
If you would like to read more about this award then please look at their website https://www.archbishopofyorkyouthtrust.co.uk/young-leaders-award
Sandygate Blue Tits
Both parents are working tirelessly bringing caterpillars in to feed the chicks which seem to be growing day by day. Sadly we lost one chick this week but the other 6 seem to be very strong.
This week, Tom in Reception captured a video of one of the adults flying in and out of the bird box to add to our video feed from inside and you can see these on the school website https://www.marlow-infant.bucks.sch.uk/birdbox
Collection for Ukraine
Thank you for your continued support of the URC lead collections for the people of Ukraine. Last week a lorry full of donated items set off for Poland and there are some pictures below. We will continue to collect whilst there is still a need for this aid.
Summer Fayre Saturday 21st May 11am - 2pm
We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow at the summer fayre for a fun 3 hours of sunshine, food, drinks and lots of brilliant performances from our very own Maypole club, All Saints Church band, Marlow School of Dance, Jane Douglass and Stagecoach. Gates open at 11am. If you have late cake competition entries or donations please try and get them to us before 11am. See you tomorrow!!
Camp Night- 9th July
Bookings for year 2 families will open via ParentPay on Monday at 9am and for Year 1 and Reception on Wednesday morning. Please can you indicate on your booking form the number of adults and children in your tent. We ask that families bring their own tents and tent sharing is prohibited. If you wish to pre-order pizza this is a separate item on ParentPay
Jubilee Picnic- Friday 27th May
The PFA will be serving tea and coffee at the picnic at the end of the school day, as well as jubilee themed cakes. This is a change to the previously advertised donut sale.
Any questions please email marlowcofepfa@gmail.com or speak to one of the PFA team.