What a superb way to end the half-term! We were blessed with the sunshine as we celebrated the Queen's Diamond Jubilee. We started the day with school worship where the whole school sang a song all about the Diamond Jubilee accompanied by the recorder group. The whole school photo that we took afterwards is delightful - the children and staff all dressed in red, white and blue and waving their Union Flags makes a real royal souvenir! The children have then spent the day taking part in numerous creative activities with a Jubilee theme. Thanks to all the parents and other adults that have made this day possible.
On a sadder note, I am sorry to tell you that we will be losing two valued members of staff this year. Mrs Thirlway who has been at Marlow Infants for nearly six years will be leaving at the end of the summer term. Mrs Thirlway has been a valued member of the school team and has had a huge impact on the school curriculum in particular in her role as Science and Art lead. She will be missed, but I am hoping that she will be back from time to time to cover classes.
Mrs Daniel will also be leaving towards the end of June. Mrs Daniel is another much loved member of the school team. She has been with us now for nearly 16 years and has been a higher level teaching assistant for much of that time. She has provided nurture and care for so many pupils in Key Stage 1. She has also provided valuable support and assistance in the classrooms, regularly teaching classes while teachers have their planning time.
I would like to wish both Mrs Thirlway and Mrs Daniel all the best for the future, they will always be part of the Sandygate family, so I am sure they will be back!
Our street party this lunchtime was a huge success. The children sang the National Anthem and said Grace before tucking into a wonderful lunch. There are some fabulous photos in the album here.
Wishing you all a fun-filled half term break.
Mrs Reynolds