Bag 2 School
Thank you for all your bag 2 school donations last Friday, We raised £148 which is a fantastic sum of money for school.
Sports Day 27th June
Thank you to everyone that volunteered to help with the serving of refreshments at sports day. It is very much appreciated. For those coming along, sausage buns, tea, coffee and cold drinks will be available to purchase.
Camp Night - 9th July
The gates to the field will open at 4pm on 9th July when you will then be able to come along and pitch your tent. We will send more information via an email but wanted to share start time to help with diary planning. The event will close at 10am Sunday morning and all items need to be removed from the school field at this point so we can secure the site.
Tea towels
Class tea towels, and other items, are still available to order directly from the supplier. These are a great end of year souvenir and a lovely memory in years to come. Tea towels can be ordered online at
Username: MarlowCoE
Password: wwG9hqu6