Vision & Values Days
whole school vision and values Days
We spent the 5th & 6th of January focussed on our school's Christian Vision which is grounded in theology being linked to the Bible verse Genesis 1:26
Then God said, “Let us make humankind in our image, in our likeness”
This is further explained by the text below:
The Bible says that every individual is created in God’s image and therefore is precious and valuable. We believe in treating everybody with respect and dignity because we acknowledge everyone’s God given value and unique identity
As well as talking about what this Christian Vision means to us in school each class also focussed on one of our Values: Thankfulness, Kindness, Respect, Forgiveness, Service & Perseverance.
Each class has spent time learning about one of the values in depth. The children have been thinking about what their value means and exploring it with written and creative work. They have also started planning a class worship which they will be sharing with parents during this term.
Finally, the children have been helping to create a class cross to be displayed in their classroom. This has allowed them to learn about crosses from other parts of the world - Ethiopia, Bangladhesh, Peru, El Salvador, Japan and Georgia - using a variety of creative processes including quilling and weaving as you can see in the pictures.
Every child in school has also had the opportunity to work with Mrs Bolar to make a clay tile which she will then be putting together to make a ceramic cross as a reflection point in our school hall. We will share the pictures of this once the tiles have all been fired.
More photographs of the Visions & Values day activities are in a gallery here