RRS Anti-Bullying Week Worship
RRS Anti-Bullying Week Worship, 10th November 2022
Ahead of Anti-Bullying Week 2022 which will take place next week with the theme Reach Out, our Rights Respecting Ambassadors led school worship today to tell the rest of the school all about it. The children introduced themselves to the rest of the school and shared why they had wanted to become a Rights Respecting Ambassador. There was a wide range of reasons with a common theme of wanting to 'make a difference'!
The Ambassadors also talked about the importance of being kind. They role-played different examples to give the rest of the school the idea of what being kind looks like in practice and how to look after others who might need help. They also talked about 2 activities that they want everyone to take part in for Anti Bullying Week:
1. Odd Socks Day: Wednesday 16th November-wearing odd socks to raise awareness for Anti Bullying week
2. Kindness Calendar - Acts of Kindness Calendar. The Rights Respecting Ambassadors wanted to send home a special calendar on Friday that shows over 30 ways that kindness can be shown. They asked the children to colour in a box on the calendar for each act of kindness they perform.
All the children watched part of a video 'Why Be Kind?', the link for this can be found here. Everything that the Ambassadors shared today was to support Article 2 from the UNCRC - which underlines the importance of no child being treated unfairly for any reason.
Well done to the Ambassadors for sharing some important messages in such an interesting way.