Rights Respecting Schools Article of the Week
Rights Respecting Ambassadors meet - Wednesday 8th March 2023
This week the Rights Respecting Ambassadors meeting and shared our thoughts and ideas. The children really do have some great ideas for helping to make a change or a difference to our school and our local community!
This week we focussed our thoughts to Article 12:
Article 12 means that 'Every child has the right to express their views, feelings and wishes in all matters affecting them, and to have their views considered and taken seriously.'
The children took this article back to their class and have shared what it means with their peers. Children will be encouraged to post their thoughts and opinions, and they will be reviewed by the Rights Respecting team going forward.
There are some activities that are linked to this week's article which your child/ren could complete at home if they wish:
1. Write to your headteacher with your ideas about the learning activities being set for you. Explain the things you find helpful and suggest things you might like to do differently.
2. Design a poster for display about the importance of Article 12.