Visit to Maidenhead Synagogue
Year 2 Visit to Maidenhead Synagogue - Monday 12th June 2023
In Religious Education this half-term, Year 2 have been learning about where Jewish people worship God. They have been learning about the features and special objects that can be found in the synagogue and in Jewish homes.
They visited the synagogue in Maidenhead to see some of these special objects and to hear from a Jewish person about how they worship God. One of the most impressive features that they saw was the ark and there was a real moment of awe and wonder when this was opened to reveal the Torah scrolls. The ark is a cabinet located at the head of a synagogue's chapel, usually facing Jerusalem.
They were also shown a Shabbat table as it would be laid out in a Jewish home and heard about what makes this ritual special. We hope that their visit has helped them to gain an understanding and respect of how different peoples worship.
There are some more photographs here.