Eco Conference
Marlow Schools Eco Conference - Thursday 14th March
Our Eco Warriors were invited to Great Marlow School yesterday, along with other Marlow schools, as they hosted the Marlow Schools Eco Conference. The purpose of this event was to inform and educate students on the most recent climate change issues and build awareness about the environment.
The event was held in GMS’ school hall and Sixth Form Centre, so Mr Creese and Mrs Gallop walked with the children to GMS in the morning. GMS were tasked with working collectively on how to deliver climate change information in a fun and engaging way. They had a range of engaging activities planned, and our Eco Warriors enjoyed learning about Bees and their habitat (they made bees wax candles), found out about swifts, recycling, solar power and made plant pots out of paper and planted sunflower seeds in them.
Please click here to see some photos.