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Marlow Church of England Infant School

Singing at Marlow Regatta

Singing at the Marlow Regatta - Sunday 16th June

What a wonderful occasion the Marlow Regatta Sunday was! Children from Marlow Infants joined with others from schools across the town to entertain the people of Marlow with their spectacular singing. Thank you to Mrs Downing, who prepared the children for the performance, and to her and Mrs Howarth who supported the children on the day.
A message from composer Sheila Wilson:
I’m writing to say a huge thank you to you and your children for the joy of working together on the Regatta Joint Schools’ concert! I really enjoyed our rehearsals, and the children sang exceptionally well this year, both at these and on the day itself. I must say that we enjoyed great behaviour from everyone on the day. They were a credit to your school.

Please pass on my congratulations to your wonderful children. I hope they and their parents enjoyed the show as much as many members of the audience, and the Regatta Committee themselves did.

It’s been estimated that there were at least 1,000 people in the audience! Many people - not even parents of our choir - said it’s always their favourite part of the weekend.
Please click here to see some photos.