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Marlow Church of England Infant School

Playground Leaders

Playground Leaders - Thursday 11th July

At Marlow Infants, we offer our pupils a range of leadership opportunities, and we even have a Children as Leaders policy. We recognise that our children are the leaders of the future, and therefore, we provide a range of opportunities for children to develop their leadership skills, even at this young age. From early on, we aim to embed the understanding in our pupils that they have the power to change the world. As a school, we want to inspire our pupils to recognise and demonstrate this and, in turn, we hope that they will inspire others along the way.

Our Year 2 Playground Leaders are coming to the end of their tenure, and they have made such a difference to the rest of the children in the school, by making lunchtime play interesting and exciting. They help by overseeing a variety of activities and assisting the midday supervisors. We would like to thank them for their service and time.

Today, the Year 1s had the opportunity to apply for the job of Playground Leader for the next academic year. They participated in team building and leadership games and learned about job descriptions and writing job application letters. 

Please click here to see some photos.