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Marlow Church of England Infant School

Anti-Bullying Week

Anti-Bullying Week: Monday 11th - Friday 15th November

Anti-Bullying Week took place in school this week. Our Rights Respecting Ambassadors led school worship on Tuesday 12th November and told the rest of the school all about this year's theme 'Choose Respect'. The children learned that we are ALL unique and different, and should be kind to each other and respect each other’s individuality.

From playgrounds to parliament, our homes to our phones, this Anti-Bullying Week lets people 'Choose Respect' and bring an end to bullying, which negatively impacts millions of young lives. Imagine a world where respect and kindness thrive - it’s not just a dream, it's in the choices we make.

We also held 'Odd Sock Day' on Tuesday, and we enjoyed seeing so many colourful combinations!

On Thursday 14th, it was World Diabetes Day. Mrs Reynolds marked the day by talking to the children about what diabetes is in school worship and will read a special book all about the condition.

Please click here to see some photos.