RRS Article of the Week
Article 24 (health and health services)
Every child has the right to the best possible health. Governments must provide good quality health care, clean water, nutritious food, and a clean environment and education on health and well-being so that children can stay healthy. Richer countries must help poorer countries achieve this.
Steven introduces Article 24 - Environment
At Marlow C of E Infant School, we are committed to using the Sustainable Development Goals in our learning to ensure that our children are equipped to build a better future for us all and have the skills and motivation to take action for the SDGs.
Our school Christian vision encompasses aims to encourage children to be:
- Be responsible to and for society
- Be good citizens of the planet
We aim to ensure the way we behave as a school conforms to the SDGs and make changes where they do not.
All the below activities are linked to the above article, you don’t need to do every single activity but if you have time you can do more than one!
1) Read Ellie Jackson’s story book ‘Duffy’s Lucky Escape’ about plastic pollution. Why was Duffy sick? Discuss with your parents what we should do with plastics to stop them ending up in the ocean.
2) Explore these climate action superhero characters. Choose one of the characters and think what you could do in your school and at home to be a climate action superhero! Use the template to draw yourself as your chosen superhero and tell people about your actions.
3) Watch this film about climate change (based on the book 'How the Weather Works' by Christiane Dorion).
Design a poster or write a poem about how to help tackle climate change and share with your class.