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Marlow Church of England Infant School

Notice of AGM

Marlow C of E Infant School PFA Annual General Meeting will take place on Thursday 14th July 2022 at 8pm in the school hall.

This is a mandatory meeting to comply with Charity Commission regulations and we will be discussing our fundraising targets, vote in our new committee and start arranging our events calendar for the next school year. It is also an opportunity for you to give us feedback on previous years or make suggestions for events or other things we could be doing. You can also find out how money raised will be spent. It is always lovely to hear new ideas and we are really keen to hear your feedback.

Please do come along if you can!

You are invited to nominate up to 2 people (including yourself) for any of the roles. Nominations must be seconded. If you cannot attend the AGM but would like to put yourself forward or propose and/or second a nomination (with that person’s consent) please email ahead of the meeting.


PFA Committee Roles


Vice Chair: VACANT

Co - Treasurer: Caroline Robinson (standing for re-election)

Co-Treasurer: Sophie Earnshaw (standing down)

Secretary: Johanna Snell (standing for re-election)