Autumn Term Collective Worship
During the autumn term, our focus is on the School Christian Values of kindness and respect. The pupils learn all about what the values mean and how they can demonstrate them in their lives.
A variety of stories are used, some from the Bible and some from children's books.
The bible stories that we associate with the value of kindness are:
- The Paralysed Man (Luke 5: 17-26) where pupils learn about the friends who persevered to make sure that Jesus saw their friend who was paralysed who, in the end, was miraculously healed by Jesus;
- The Good Samaritan. (Luke 10: 25-37). This is a parable told by Jesus which teaches the pupils how we should be kind to everyone, not just those that we are friendly with.
- Dorcus (Acts 9: 36-42) who shows her kindness by helping and caring for others
Retelling the parable of the Good Samaritan
Those we associate with the value of respect are:
- The Creation Story (Genesis 1 & 2) where we focus on how this story encourages Christians to show respect for the planet;
- Nehemiah, (Nehemiah 21:8) where pupils are encouraged to consider how important it was for Nehemiah to show respect to the King when asking his permission to return to Jerusalem to help rebuild the wall.
Learning that, through kindness, they can make our world more colourful, pupils explore what kindness means and the types of things that they can do to show kindness. This involves role-play and identifying the different aspects of kindness in the stories that they hear and in their own actions. The Bible verse 'Treat others as you wish to be treated' (Luke 6:31) is learned and links straight to our School Charter.
Respecting others and what this means is covered through modelling what showing respect looks like. From showing respect to adults, each other and other people in society are just some of the themes covered. During a short Remembrance Day service in school, the children learn about showing respect to the Armed Forces and other people who help us.
In the Autumn term, we also hold whole school services to celebrate the Harvest Festival and the beginning of Advent. These services are led by Year 2 worship leaders and are held in school and All Saints' church respectively. Parents, carers, grandparents and members of the community join us in the services and even join in with the songs!
Other faiths and festivals that pupils learn about during Collective Worship in the autumn term are:
Judaism: Yom Kippur and Hanukkah
Hinduism, Sikkism, Buddhism: Diwali
Our school Christian Vision features regularly during Collective Worship and at the beginning of the autumn term, this is covered in depth, so the pupils have a good understanding of what it means. Here the focus is how every person is an individual and unique and because the bible verse Genesis 1:26 teaches us that humankind is made in the image of God, then that makes them special and so all people should be valued and treated with respect and dignity.
Pupils learn about Jesus' actions in the story of Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10) and how He sets an example by not leaving Zacchaeus out and showing that Zacchaeus had value, even though he wasn't a very popular person because of the job he did.
International Children's Day, International Day of Disaster Reduction, International Day of Disabled Persons, Human Rights Day, Inter-Faith Week and Anti-Bullying Week are also covered as part of our Rights Respecting school and Safeguarding work.
Towards the end of the term, the focus turns to Christmas and, as part of this, the pupils learn about Christianity as a world faith and the different ways that Christmas is celebrated by Christians all over the world.