Year 2 Eco Warriors Visit Danesfield School
Tuesday 7th March 2023
This afternoon, the Year 2 Eco Warriors visited Danesfield School. This was part of the Marlow Schools Eco Group initiative. One of the aims of the group is to share the environmental work that is going on in each other's schools. Eco Warriors from all the schools have so far visited our school and Holy Trinity and today was the tum of Danesfield. Our Eco warriors had a great afternoon and loved seeing the pigs and the tree houses during their visit. They will be sharing their experiences with the rest of the children later this week. The next visit will be in the summer term to Great Marlow School. In the meantime, the Eco Leads from the schools have planned a big litter pick as part of the Great Big School Spring Clean on 27th/28th March and a Marlow Schools Day of Action on 9th June.
Please click here to see the photos.