Mrs Phillips Leaving Assembly

Mrs Phillips Leaving Assembly-Thursday 20th July 2023
Yesterday, we held a celebration of Mrs Phillips time at Marlow Infants and of course there was a lot of music and lots of memories involved.
Members of the school team, shared their memories and Mrs Britnell even shared a kenning poem that she had written especially for Mrs Phillips. There were musicians and singers from Sir William Borlase Grammar School and also some Year 3 children from Holy Trinity Junior School who shared some of their lovely memories of Mrs Phillips teaching them.
The children, staff and parents presented Mrs Phillips with cards and presents and there was also a wonderful rendition of 'Thank you for the Music' sung by the whole school and which had been adapted especially for the occasion.
We are sorry to see Mrs Phillips go, she has had a huge impact on the lives of many children and has been a key member of the staff team for nearly 20 years. Thank you, Mrs Phillips!
You can see some more photos here.