End of Year Service 2023
End of Year Service -Friday 21st July 2023
The End of Year Service is always a lovely, if emotional, time as we say goodbye to our Year 2 children and wish them well for the next step in their learning journey. They shared some of their memories of their time at Marlow Infants and sang some of their favourite worship songs.
We also celebrated success with the presentation of various awards
Class Cups - the child who embodies the school values, awarded to one child in each of the Year 2 classes
- Dragonfly : Ariana
- Grasshopper: Francesca
Learning Champion-for the child who has shown a fantastic attitude to learning this year
- Hannah from Dragonfly
Headteacher Award - awarded by the Headteacher for the child who they feel has made a particular contribution to the school community and models the school values
- Daisy from Grasshopper
Hope Award - for a child who has shown great hope and absolute faith that things will work out and in such has shown resilience and perseverance.
- Woody from Dragonfly
Progress Awards - two children from each class are awarded for making excellent progress in their learning during the year. This year these were
- Dragonfly - Kyle & Emily
- Grasshopper - Joshua & Seraphina
- Butterfly - Evelyn & Joey Y
- Ladybird - Leo Y & Olivia
- Ant -Leighton & Harriet
- Bee - Phoebe & Ziggy
Thank you and farewell to all the of our school families leaving us this year, we wish you all the best for the future.
Photos are in an album here