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Marlow Church of England Infant School

Refugee Week

RRS Ambassadors marked Refugee Week: Monday 17th - Friday 21st

During Refugee Week, we marked Refugee Week  in school worship and in class  with focused activities to allow the children to learn about refugees.

Learning that everybody has different experiences and that some people do not have equal access to resources and power were the central themes of this work. Children learned that refugees are people just like them who have had to flee their country because they were in danger.

This links to article 22 of the UN Charter for the Rights of a Child which states 'Children who move from their home country to another country as refugees (because it was not safe for them to stay there) should get help and protection and have the same rights as children born in that country.'

To help support Refugee Week, Reception made biscuits, Year 1 decorated cakes and Year 2 made friendship bracelets. The RRS Ambassadors sold the items for donations in our Eco Barn in aid of Marlow Refugee Action.

Please click here to see some photos.