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Marlow Church of England Infant School

Year 1 Reptile Visit

Year 1 Reptile Visit - Tuesday 15th October

Year 1 had a fantastic reptile visit this week from Berkshire Reptiles.

The current science topic in Year 1 is all about the classification of animals, so the children had prepared lots of questions to ask about the reptiles.  During the visit they had the opportunity to observe up close and handle: Bearded Dragons, a Blue Tongued Skink, a tortoise and different types of snakes.

The staff were astounded by the confidence the children showed around these animals.   All the children commented on how they could feel that the reptiles were cold-blooded, and how they liked the feel of their scaly skin. Some children were surprised to discover that snakes aren't slimy at all!

Please click here to see some photos.