Vision & Values Days

Vision & Values Days - 7th & 8th January
We spent the first two days of the new year as a whole school learning about our School Vision & Values.
During the vision and values days, the children have revisited the school Christian vision, and they have worked together to discuss and explore what we want our school to be like. The Bible verse below from Genesis is the root of the Vision, which looks at how all people are different, unique and created in the image of God. As such, everyone should be treated with dignity and respect, because those differences make us special and valuable.
Then God said, “Let us make humankind in our image, in our likeness”
Each class also designed and created a classroom cross using various crafts including weaving, quilling and painting. The crosses are from other parts of the world, e.g. Ethiopia, Bangladesh, Australia, Russia, Israel and the United Kingdom and, as a result, the children learned about the origins of the crosses and the fact that Christianity is a worldwide religion.
In learning about the school values, every class has taken one of the values and explored it in more depth. They will now prepare a class-led worship to share with their parents during the spring term.
Please click here to see some photos.