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Marlow Church of England Infant School

Home Learning

“Empowering all to be enthusiastic learners”

Guided support of learning at home is an essential part of a good education. It encourages children to become confident and independent in their learning and ensures continuity between the school and home learning environments which will help throughout their time at school and as they progress through their education.


At Marlow Church of England Infant School, home learning refers to any learning activity that pupils are asked to do outside of normal lesson time.  The activities are generally related to work that pupils are doing in school as preparation, consolidation or follow-up.  It can be done by pupils working on their own or with the support of parents or carers.

Alongside reading books which are sent home daily, we have taken an approach of giving parents a range of suggestions on how to support their children’s learning at home, without prescribing when, where or how much extra work should be done. This allows parents to support their children to the best of their ability without placing undue stress on family time.

If you child is currently at the school you can access their class homepage by logging in to this website. The homepage will set out the topics to be covered during the current term. There is also a link to either Google Classrooms (for Year 1 and Year 2) or Tapestry (for Reception) which is where home learning activities will be set and submitted.