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Marlow Church of England Infant School

Summer Term Collective Worship

During the summer term, the values in focus are thankfulness and service. Pupils learn all about what the values mean and how they can demonstrate them in their lives.  Stories from the Bible as well as story books are used to illustrate the values in action.

Learning about thankfulness helps pupils understand the power of 'counting their blessings' and how that helps them to feel so much better than when they focus on the things they don't have.

Children 'counting their blessings'  so that they can be written on the school 'Thankfulness' sun.



The story of the Ten Lepers (Luke 17:11-19) is acted out by pupils to help everyone identify the feelings and motivations of the Lepers and Jesus. Why did only one Leper come back to say thank you to Jesus after he had healed all ten? 

Thinking about what Service means, and how pupils can serve others, links beautifully with intent of the MindUp curriculum for the summer term. During the second half of the summer term the service that Queen Esther undertook for her people is considered (Esther 1-4) along with the story of Ruth and Naomi (Ruth 1:16-17).


In learning about the church year and Christian festivals, the focus is on Ascension and Pentecost during the summer term. 

Reverend Dave leading school worship - Ascension


Other faiths covered in the summer term include Buddism (Vesak - Buddha's birthday) and Judaism (Shavout).






Earth day is marked when pupil leaders (Eco Warriors) talk to the rest of the school about the importance of looking after our planet and this, coupled with a collective worship for World Environment day, allow the pupils to show their enthusiasm and commitment to Eco issues. The Rights Respecting School Ambassadors introduce Refugee Week when they share with their peers about the importance of helping others who have had to leave their homes.